10:28  ,  October 2, 2023

Inzaghi: It was a very important win

The Italian manager of Inter Milan, Simone Inzaghi, commented on their 4-0 away win against Salernitana in the seventh round of the Italian Serie A.

"It was a very important win. Salernitana can create problems in their own pitch.

"We had only 1.5 days to prepare for this game. The guys did a good job.

"We could have played better in the first half. During the break, we made some adjustments and showed our best game.

"Before the first round, I had said that we want to win as many matches as last season. The fight for the champion’s title is intense travel, work until late at night, 1.5 days of preparation from the previous game to the next one. But all that is wonderful and it's worth not sparing any effort for it," Inzaghi said, Gazetta.it reported.

Inter lead the current Serie A standings, with 18 points. Milan, in second place, also have the same number of points.

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