Lewandowski named the best players this season

11:21   29 April, 2024

Spanish champion, Barcelona's Polish striker Robert Lewandowski has named the best players in the world this season, singling out Real Madrid's 20-year-old English midfielder Jude Bellingham and PSG's 25-year-old French striker Kylian Mbappe.

"It's hard to name the best right now, because there are still crucial Champions League and European Championship matches ahead. But at the moment the best are Kylian Mbappe and Jude Bellingham. They play an exceptional game", - quotes Lewandowski's words Spanish Marca.

Bellingham and Mbappe will play in the Champions League semi-finals against "Real" Madrid and PSG respectively.

PSG's opponent will be "Borussia" Dortmund, while "Real" Madrid will face "Bayern" Munich.

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